Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wants, Expectations, and Strife, Part 1

What do you expect out of Life?

I find myself getting upset over  every little thing that does not go my way. This is a problem to me because,  as the bible says, it is "the little foxes that spoil the vineyard".  This little foxes being the anger and frustration that continually poisons  my days and my relationships.

I find myself expecting perfection  from myself and others, which creates a lot of frustration because this,  obviously, never works out. Let me be clear, this is not a logical expectation.  I do not wake up in the morning and decide that my day is going to be perfect  and everyone will perform and behave perfectly. Logically, I know that  this life and this world are imperfect, but emotionally I do not.

At an emotional level, I find myself  frustrated when things, events, others, or myself do not work out or perform the way  I envisioned them. Even though I do not think that perfection is possible,  I certainly do expect it. This is what I call an emotional habit. I believe  people in the psychological world may call this the "subconscious", or "automatic  thoughts."

"What causes quarrels and  what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at  war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and  cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do  not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend  it on your passions." James 4:1-3, ESV

And how many of our friendships,  marriages, churches, offices, etc, are plagued by this quarreling and fighting  that James is talking about? What examples are we setting for the lost  world out there? Are we showing the kind of love that Jesus showed to the  lost? Why or why not? Is it, maybe, that we are living selfish lives, and  this selfishness makes us angry and bitter people?

I must admit that if I were on  the outside looking in, I would not be attracted by what can be observed  in a lot of churches nowadays. Christ is very appealing, the love that  He expresses is definitely attractive, but His Christians (myself included)  and the love they express are a different matter. Why is the difference  between us and our Christ so vast?

Can it be because we are more focused  on ourselves and our "wants" than Him?

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