It is all about Choices.
It is one thing to understand, at the logical level, that God is good, that he loves us, and is in control. At an emotional level, it is a different deal. I get very anxious at negative thoughts that present the idea of financial insecurity.
Logically, I know that God is hugely powerful and loving and He will provide for me. At the emotional level, I do not.
It is my understanding that, if you truly believe something, it should change the way you feel about that specific thing. For example, if I TRULY believed with all my heart soul mind and strength that God would protect me and provide for me, I would not become fearful and anxious at the first sight of trouble. My natural reaction would say: "No big deal, God will see me through this." This would happen at an emotional level, allowing me to keep my peace.
Is this your natural reaction when faced with trouble or uncertainties?
Our sinful nature, Satan, and the world, work hard at keeping us focused on the things we don't have, on instant gratification, selfish ambitions.
So far, we have discussed things such as our thoughts, focusing our mind on Him, giving him thanks, and being obedient. All these things are choices. They are disciplines that we choose to develop or choose not to develop.
Beyond the ages-old argument of predestination versus free will, one thing cannot be disputed; the actions I take have consequences. If I make a good choice, I reap the benefits. If I make a poor choice, I reap the consequences as well.
Happiness then, is a choice. We choose to develop those disciplines. We choose to practice them (persevere) until they become an automatic part of who we are (habitual or instinctive, a second nature.)
So today I want to challenge you to commit yourself to practicing these disciplines. I want to challenge you to CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!!!
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