There are so many things fighting for our attention, some are very worthy, such as family and your spouse, children, work, ministry, friends. Some are not as worthy of our attention, but we give it to them anyways. Such as entertainment, material stuff, and hobbies. Notice that non of these things are sinful or bad in and of themselves, and some people would argue that they are needful, with which I would agree to some degree. But they are not Jesus. So how do we keep Jesus First in our lives?
There are no problems with any of these things. As a matter of fact, everyone should have all of the things mentioned earlier, to some degree or another. Entertainment, friends, hobbies, material things, are all good things. All of them were created by God. And He does want us to have and enjoy them. It is when they take and exaggerated place of importance in our hearts and lives that they become bad things. They become idols!!!
The key to keeping Jesus first is not necessarily in what we do, but in how we do it. It is a matter of heart attitude. I can keep Jesus first when I am spending some quality time with my friends, or doing our monthly budget with my wife (in which case I not only need to keep Him first, but I need to hold on to Him, by faith, with all my strength), or while I am at work, or church, or lunch, or at any other point in life.
"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:6, ESV
Note that this passage says "in all your ways", not some, not most, but all of them. Whether you are at work, church, with friends, family, being serious, or entertaining, all of them. I fully believe that it is possible to keep Him first in any area of life, as long as it is not sin, of course.
"But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7, ESV
As I mentioned in a previous post, I am working at becoming free from a perpetual sense of fear, anxiety, and insecurity that is mostly related to finances. As part of this struggle, I often find myself stressing and worrying at an unconscious level. I can be sitting at my computer, doing the best job that I know to do, with the intentions of achieving the best results I can, and I am still anxious and worried. It seems that I am just anxious as a matter of Habit. This is a heart issue. When God looks at me, he can see that I am working hard, and that I am focus, everyone can see that. That is the "appearance" that verse is speaking of. However, God can see much more than that. He can see my heart, and He can see that I am not working for Him or for His Glory. He can see that I am working for myself, for money, for stuff, for food and shelter, for all those things that I should be trusting Him with. This heart issue that I struggle with is also know as idolatry. I am literally worshipping money, and worshipping myself. Worshipping money because I am trusting in money and what money can buy instead of trusting that God is my provider. Worshipping myself (also known as pride), because I am trusting in my own skills and ability to provide for myself. Needless to say, as often as I find myself in this condition, I repent and ask God for His help in overcoming this sin.
This attitude is not keeping God first, this is keeping myself first. If I were keeping Him first, I would be working to bring Glory to God. My work would be an expression of Love for God, instead of an attempt at providing for myself. When I do something for my wife, with the purpose of expressing love towards her, there are feelings directed towards her that accompany my actions. When I do something for God, with the intention of expressing my love for him, there should also be feelings and attitudes directed towards Him to accompany those actions.
That is how we keep God first. By keeping the right attitudes in our heart while we go through life doing whatever it is we are doing. Which produces, in my mind, another question: If, as a Christian, I need to keep Jesus First. And keeping Jesus First is a matter of the attitude in my heart then, How do I change the attitudes in my heart? How do I approach life with a heart that seeks to continually express love towards God?
We will discuss the answer to that question on the next post. In the mean time, think about and post your answer to these questions:
What are the benefits from keeping Jesus first in your everyday life?
What is keeping you from doing it?
Related articles: What is worship?, All about Grace Part 1 and Part 2