Monday, March 19, 2012

How To Balance Your Life, Part 1

What is Life?

If we are trying to keep our lives in balance, It is important to answer the question, "What is life?"
This question is a very, very, old question. I can not give you an answer to this; you need to find it on your own, but I can share my opinion with you.

Lets just start by saying that every human being is an immortal being. That is, we have a beginning, but we will never cease to exist. Unlike God, however, we are not eternal. He has no beginning and will have no end. After our bodies seize to function, some of us will go on to live with God forevermore, while some others will continue existing in the place set aside for those under the wrath of God. Since no one can know or understand what things will be on the other side of our physical death, I will limit this article to this side of eternity.

Life is a conglomeration of things that include feelings, relationships, ideas, events, and many, many other things. However, it all comes down to one thing that rules everything else: Time. As far as I understand it, the answer to the question becomes, "Life is my time here on earth and how I use it."
Managing my time wisely is, therefore, a very high priority for me. Wasting my time being angry or frustrated at things that I can not control is a terrible and irreversible loss. Having said that, there is seldom an event in my life that I can not learn from, and that makes those irreversible losses few and far between. Everything else becomes a learning opportunity or an opportunity to practice and strengthen any one of several skills or disciplines such as faith, patience, understanding, perseverance, foresight, time management, planning skill, etc.

We do not know at which point we will be called to move onto the afterlife. Our individual and personal future (on this earth) is a speculation and an uncertainty; it is not promised. Likewise, the past is now behind and we can do nothing about it but reflect and learn from it. Life, then, is reduced to this very exact instant in time, nothing more and nothing less. Everything else is up to God.
We can conclude that making the most out of the time we have here on earth is making the most out of our lives. Using every moment in the wisest way we know is of paramount importance. However, this will hopefully not be my last moment of life. Which produces a problem because I would much rather be at home playing than whatever I am doing right now. Balancing and prioritizing our time and effort is a central key to making the most of it. We have been talking about balance in our lives, this would be the first step towards accomplishing this balance.

As we will see in my next post, my most important life-goals is my relationship and intimacy with God. There is seldom, if ever, a time or event that cannot be use to continue building a deeper, stronger, and more intimate relationship with Him. Unfortunately, I do not take advantage of all those opportunities as I should, but that is part of the growing process.

What do you think life is?

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