Sunday, February 19, 2012

About "Every Day In Christ"

My goal, and hopefully the Lord's too, is to share valuable information with you that might help you grow closer to him and lead a more fulfilling life. Like I mentioned in the About Me section, my background is in engineering. So why am I blogging about living "Every Day In Christ"? The answer is simple. I have been a Christian for approximately 10 years. I have studied and have had expediences from which I have grown, and I want to share those with you hoping that they will bless you and help you.

Another aspect of this blog that is very close to my heart is community. I would like to create a community of people that is open to one another, unafraid to share their lives and hearts, knowing that they will be received with openness and respect and where we can experience meaningful fellowship. As such, I am planning on being open and sharing my life with you as well.

Throughout this blog I intend to address any area of the Christian Life that I feel I might have something of value to offer. Anything from bible studies or questions that I might have or might still be wrestling with, to marriage issues, money matters, current events, Christian ethics, spiritual growth strategies, and so forth. I intend to post three to five times per week, so keep checking periodically for new posts.

I also expect those that benefit and find this blog useful to be involved and interact with myself and other readers so we might help each other grow. My prayer is that together we may grow and reach greater heights than we would have otherwise.

Note: Please be respectful of other's opinions. It is OK to disagree, and it is OK to express the disagreement and varying opinions, it is actually helpful and encouraged as this would help us grow in our own views and thinking, however, lets do it respectfully and, when needed, let's agree to disagree in a respectful, tolerant, and friendly way. Aggressive or inappropriate posts will be deleted.

As a final thought, I encourage you to not take anything that I say throughout this blog as truth, I encourage you to challenge everything you read, whether posted by myself or any one else, study, research, and reach your own conclusion. And, if you do this, we would love to hear the result of your own personal study, so please share it with all of us!!!!


  1. Thanks for the invite covnitkepr1, I checked out your blog and it is very impressive. Look forward to reading what you have to say.

  2. Thanks for the invite Steve, and thanks for following. I checked out your blog and I am looking forward to following it. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.
