"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." Hosea 4:6, ESV
The pursuit of happiness, then, becomes a process of identifying those aspects in our lives that need to be changed, and changing them. If you are perfectly happy, then you should continue doing what you are doing. If you are not happy with your life, then change is necessary. In order for change to be effective you need to know WHAT to change, and HOW to change it. In order to gain this, or any other kind of knowledge, study is necessary.
Many a time I have read a book or scripture to find myself having more knowledge (knowing "what" to change) at the end of the task, but having had no effect on my character or performance. Studying, therefore, is not enough. You must also apply what you learn in order to effect change (this is the "How" part, plus a little bit of work and discipline).
"It's not what you got, it is what you use that makes the difference" Zig Ziglar.
I have heard it said that "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got." The same concept is expressed in the, now cliché, definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."
The amount of knowledge and advice in the bible is more than any person could ever understand or apply in a lifetime. Telling yourself otherwise is lying to yourself.
Saying that people never change is a great mistake. People can change their nature, if they ask God to change it for them. People CAN change their character and habits. People change; as a matter of fact, people are always changing and never stay the same.
If you are not studying, and applying what you learn, you are not progressing. If you are not progressing, you are regressing. There is no such thing as staying the same. You are either progressing or regressing.
Lets think about this, what is the purpose of pastors, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mentors? Isn't the very function of the people in these positions to help others change?
Yes, it is. If people could not change, there would be no such things as pastors, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, or mentors, because they would have failed a long time ago. They are still around because they have been successful at helping people change themselves, and their lives, for the better!!
The same change is possible for you and I!!
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